Thursday, August 06, 2015


Deerfield Beach, Used Tire News-Once again the Tire Makers lobbying organization or RMA is sticking its nose into Governmental decisions legal? or not??  is it more than Lobbying? Us Senators believe the crap these Jerkoffs at THE RMA who have it appears Defamed and denounced the sale of Used tires and continue to say HALFTRUTHS….The RMA a group made up of Michelin North America,Goodyear Bridgestone/Firestone  Pirelli North America and on and on.Enemies of the Used Tire Industry now attacking the New Tire Industry in which all their members supply the retailers and wholesalers of new tires, are you catching on these are their customers and they spit in their face Goodyear selling tires online Direct bypassing their Dealer network and Michelin announcing the same according to Industry  Trade Magazines.
Smaller Government now that you have Influenced the US Senate does your influence include the donating of money or anything else of value to any of our Senators,cause we know you guys have tried this before against used tire dealers overseas.  You see you  hippocrites at the RMA cares not about any Tire Dealer New or Used, it is K Street at its worst. This is what is wrong with America BIG CORPORATIONS CONTROL OUR CONGRESS>.Everyone knows who when and where the tire was made and distributed DOT numbers carry sufficient information and has been the industry standard for DECADES without this Registration non sense RMA has cooked up and written for  you US Senators and buried in the Highway Bill.

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